An offering for the children of Room 6 from Mentor Teacher Faith Hanning
The toddler children of Room 6 have been playing with pendulums in their classroom. They were invited to join together in a zoom group to explore swinging and spinning. The class has been offering multiple zooms through the week and inviting families to sign up for the different experiences up to four families per time.
Three children joined this call, each bringing a different home experience. One child brought a spinning top, one used rings hooked on a tree to swing his body in circles, and one spun herself in circles on the ground.
Three children joined this call, each bringing a different home experience. One child brought a spinning top, one used rings hooked on a tree to swing his body in circles, and one spun herself in circles on the ground.
Faith, the teacher, built a pendulum at her home using a carabiner, hammock straps, and a water bottle. Faith's video inspired the children to build additional pendulums at home.
By offering the families the concept of spinning to explore, there was room for each family to personalize the experience with the materials and interest available.