An offering for the children of Room 13 from Mentor Teacher Kayla Rodriguez
"What are the five senses?!
Hearing, Sight, Smell, Taste, and Touch
Using our senses allows to appreciate things in the world around us that we might not have noticed before.
Discuss each of the five senses, then go outside and tap into one sense at a time. Describe what you focused on for each of the senses. Use as much detail as possible to describe what you're experiencing.
Hearing: outside I heard the clunk of garbage trucks in the distance. The slight drip from our gutters as water is hitting the sidewalk. Birds in trees around me squawk and chirp at each other.
Hearing, Sight, Smell, Taste, and Touch
Using our senses allows to appreciate things in the world around us that we might not have noticed before.
Discuss each of the five senses, then go outside and tap into one sense at a time. Describe what you focused on for each of the senses. Use as much detail as possible to describe what you're experiencing.
Hearing: outside I heard the clunk of garbage trucks in the distance. The slight drip from our gutters as water is hitting the sidewalk. Birds in trees around me squawk and chirp at each other.
Sight: I see the pokey pine needles from the tree to the right. I notice the separation in the grass and how under the tree it is brown and bare. I see the fence being held together by planks nailed in place. I notice the new buds forming on the small tree on the left and how the shadow darkens the ground below the tree.
Smell: As the wind blows I smell fresh cut wood, as a tree is being cut down in my neighbors yard. I also smell my hair and its sweet cedar smell.
Taste: As I stood there I could taste my breakfast from this morning. The granola piece still stuck in my molar.
Touch: I stood with my hand on our deck banister. I felt the rough texture of peeling paint and rigid wood.
Taste: As I stood there I could taste my breakfast from this morning. The granola piece still stuck in my molar.
Touch: I stood with my hand on our deck banister. I felt the rough texture of peeling paint and rigid wood.