An offering for the children of Room 10 from Mentor Teacher Mollie Lyne.
Before beginning, Mollie wants you all to know that she is at home missing her friends. Mollie is spending time reading, playing board games, and spending time with her roommates. She wants to know what you have been doing at home.
Reply here with the books you have been reading, the songs you have been singing, and the games you have been playing.
Notice how Mollie stops the book to talk about different parts of the pictures. Stop the video at home whenever something catches your eye. What conversations did you have during the book? Leave those in the comments for your friends to read and respond.
Reply here with the books you have been reading, the songs you have been singing, and the games you have been playing.
Notice how Mollie stops the book to talk about different parts of the pictures. Stop the video at home whenever something catches your eye. What conversations did you have during the book? Leave those in the comments for your friends to read and respond.
Mollie offered a possibility to extend the experience at home Find all of your stuffed animals at home (and maybe real animals if they want to participate. Mollie had a surprise dog visit from Miso, her house dog.) Place your animals around the house. Find your best hat and a bag and sing the "Down By the Station" song as you go to pick them up around the house. Mollie shared a video of herself and Miso picking up her stuffed animals. |
Other possible extensions after the story:
- Use pillows or chairs to create a train in your house. Invite your animals to join you on the train.
- Offer paper and mark making materials (pencils, markers, crayons, paint) to represent the animal you would like to see from a train (or car) window.
- Use clay or play dough to create the footprints the animals might have made or add a car or train to make wheel prints.
- Remember when the panda bear was scared to go on the train? Think about the things in your house that make you feel secure. Gather those together and make them a thank you present.
- Remember when the pages were missing? Draw those pages for Mollie so she can read the whole story.
- Use the 'voice memo' feature on a device to record a response to Mollie.