An offering for the children of Room 10 from Resident Teacher Elke
When Elke found calves on her walk, she thought of her friends in Room 10. She shared her photos of the calves on the classroom blog along with her reaction to them:
"In the first picture the cows were all eating. The little baby saw me and ran over to say hi! When he was looking at me it felt like he was wondering what kind of animal I was. I told him, "I'm a person!"
Spring time is when a lot of new baby animals are being born, so I thought that you might like to hear a story about them."
She then shared a video of herself reading about baby animals.
"In the first picture the cows were all eating. The little baby saw me and ran over to say hi! When he was looking at me it felt like he was wondering what kind of animal I was. I told him, "I'm a person!"
Spring time is when a lot of new baby animals are being born, so I thought that you might like to hear a story about them."
She then shared a video of herself reading about baby animals.
Elke then invited the children to share with her any animals they find on their walks.
By inviting the children and families into her experiences during this time of physical distancing, Elke was strengthening the human relationships and connections within the classroom.
By inviting the children and families into her experiences during this time of physical distancing, Elke was strengthening the human relationships and connections within the classroom.