The children of Room 15 have been engaged in collecting trinkets throughout the school year. They have set up spaces in the classroom with containers to collect and systems to organize and study their collections.
Mentor Teachers Kendra Porter and Georgia Morgan wanted to invite the children and families to extend this experience while at home. They found containers in their homes and went on a color hunt. They invited the children to join them on this color hunt.
Mentor Teachers Kendra Porter and Georgia Morgan wanted to invite the children and families to extend this experience while at home. They found containers in their homes and went on a color hunt. They invited the children to join them on this color hunt.
This strategy offers a different lens for collecting loose parts in the house. Sorting the materials by color rather than purpose forces us to examine familiar objects in a new way. Sorting in a new way also offers us the potentiality to pair materials we might not typically put together.
Other possible lenses for sorting materials:
Other possible lenses for sorting materials:
- translucency / opacity
- shape
- size
- texture
- sound production