* Pot for cooking
* 1/2 cup flour
* 1 cup of water
* 1/4 cup cold water
* food coloring
* bowls
* spoons
Medium heat on the stove
As it starts to stick together, it should start to become a ball and come away from the pot.
Add a 1/4 cup of cold water- slowly- to make it more of a consistency you are happy with. You can add more cold water until it feels good to you.
Split it into how many bowls you want (this is when you add the colors) - Mollie chose two bowls
Then add the food coloring of your choice.
Add more cold water if needed.
When it is done, you are ready to go FINGER PAINT!
* Large paper on a table in the house
* Large paper on the floor
* Small pieces of paper
* large paper outside
Mollie shared that there are many different strategies to use when painting
*paint with one hand
*paint with both hands
*group your fingers to make different shapes