We recognize that our relationships with families are extremely important.
First school experiences can lay the foundation for families’ participation in the education of their children for years to come.
Family partnership helps the children see that the work belongs to them. It supports the children's ownership of school experiences.
First school experiences can lay the foundation for families’ participation in the education of their children for years to come.
Family partnership helps the children see that the work belongs to them. It supports the children's ownership of school experiences.
A strong project is one where there is potential for learning among all three protagonists, children, families, and educators and also one where enthusiasm is high. Learning should be fun and engaging, not rote and boring. A well-designed project can bring people together, creating a strong sense of community, based on shared accomplishment.
"We shared some of our new ideas and questions with families at drop-off and pick-up time, as well as in our classroom blog and through emails. Their interest level was high, which inspired us to organize a night for families and teachers to come together to discuss the potential of the project and to make some shared decisions."
Each new experience at school was shared with families through the classroom blog, which offers a democratic space,
a space open for dialogue between educators and families.
a space open for dialogue between educators and families.
The school belongs to children and teachers, and also to families. The families wanted to be involved in the birthday party because of their high level of engagement from the genesis of the project.
The party preparations were a collaborative effort. Parents, grandparents, and siblings helped to make food and gather party supplies. News of the baby doll birthday party spread throughout the school, and other teachers and classes of children offered to help with the preparations. One of the prekindergarten classes made birthday banners and mini baby-sized cookies for the party. One of the school directors had a cake made with a photo of all of the babies imprinted on top. |
The party was attended by children, siblings, parents, grandparents, teachers, and directors. During this night, the children cared for their dolls and for one another. All reflected on how the work with the dolls had unfolded throughout the year.
Educators recalled that play and work are not separate for the child. They are interwoven, one in the same. Thus, logic would dictate that there is a relationship between play with dolls and care for other human beings. This was evident during the birthday party, as this caring community celebrated one another on this very special evening.
Educators recalled that play and work are not separate for the child. They are interwoven, one in the same. Thus, logic would dictate that there is a relationship between play with dolls and care for other human beings. This was evident during the birthday party, as this caring community celebrated one another on this very special evening.