A class of preschool children wonders: What can we do with the insect community that lives outside our classroom?
One day, while the children were working outside, they discovered something on the fence!
Using reference books to support their research, they determined the egg sacs belonged to preying mantises.
Using reference books to support their research, they determined the egg sacs belonged to preying mantises.
The children found a couple of the egg sacs on the ground.
Erin, their teacher, reflected, "Just like the children who were interested in keeping their Guinea Pig safe, this group of children, wanted the safety for the insects. They wanted to be stewards of the insects and were concerned about how the other egg sacs would stay on the fence.... The children understood signs as a form of communication. We discussed what words and colors to use for the sign." |
One child wondered, “What if others can’t read it?”
What symbols will convey the meaning of these words? What signs exist in the community to convey a similar message?
What symbols will convey the meaning of these words? What signs exist in the community to convey a similar message?
To read more about the children's developing empathy for the insects, click here
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